Tuesday 31 July 2018

Adjusting home after teaching in Japan and Korea

 It is a sunday 8 am I woke up at 7:16 am nooo, I have just been trying to adjust my life back in Uk, Its almost been a month but I am still adjusting it seems. I have been living in two of the most homogenous countries Korea and Japan so I feel a bit anxious returning home, they say you can get reversal culture shock. I am feeling it.  I wonder how many people must be coming back home after living abroad and feeling those feelings, Is there someone reading this perhaps I was trying to find blogs talking about it maybe to connect in some way, I feel for the ones who have lived away for so long, I had some teachers who were in Japan for more then 5 years can you imagine.

 Life back home always seems a little slow, the weather is 35 celsius plus and strange, my family is getting used to having everyone home, and going through arguments all the time. I think once you are all old its hard to live in one roof as everyone is very opinionated but hey I admire my sisters strength and power as a woman, better to be a strong woman I think. I woke up so early today I don't like that feeling it feels groggy.

 At this stage of my life I am pretty unsure what I should know or what I should do, Its great for people who really are going somewhere or doing something but everyone has their own path, I personally don't like to pressure myself so much. But the only thing I hate is feeling lazy, I want to be doing something but honestly as long as it made me happy that would be good. I am healthy, I am happy and even a loner I have learnt to amuse myself I do go through some slowwwwww loww days then I wonder what my mum must do all the time. The only thing I hate is if I could be helping someone or some cause and I am wasting my time on the internet or being brain washed. I love and hate the internet yes it has so much information so much power, we can link in to everyone of our family yet somehow I think social media has made the human race even more lonelier. I dunno if we didn't have it maybe we would actually force ourself to go out and socialise with strangers. Well I have to do something soon, my brain is wasting away, and I do miss traveling already, only the people who went through those things with you or did the same things understand I think.

 Anyway lately I love old school skits my sister shared some with me. This is what youtube was like just good funny skits before the beauty gurus took over. Hey but I do think about vlogging imagine vlogging your life 24/7 people watching you watch the computer hahhaa. I really like her comedy :D