Saturday 30 April 2011

some artists i am admiring now :) i love their pokche faces haha

all by graphicairlines whom i found through a wiiiiseeeee good fren :)
they have some wierd oldern bibley feel right but like it anyway :)
pacman art tanannanannaa

foudn some cool banana art jhaha

i like this girls hairand the aztech print of this guys

loving the summer spring bags and the cig smoking kid shirt :)
i had this really really bizarre dream that our neighbours cat was in my bathroom playing with the water as it was turning cloudy red and i was like wdh looking closer only to find our cat sulli nearling drowing. and when i took her out a bit of her skin was cut off like in tht horror film suicide club where all the girls skin are cut off inr ectangle like tht off the top of sullis fur and there was blood driping off the neighbours fat cats clawy fingernails and i could sense he wanted to kill sulli its really creepy do u think its the spirits t rying to warn me to save sulli frm the evil cat hahaha i dunno but i thought they were lovers so thts a bit strnge haha...

watch this video amazing!!

Source Data for Photography/12:31 from Croix Gagnon on Vimeo.